Serve Your Community
We believe every member of our church and community should have the opportunity and responsibility to serve God and man utilizing the gifts the Holy Spirit has given them. Serve Main Street provides a variety of opportunities for members to serve. Contact a church staff to learn more about these opportunities. Here are our main service points:
The Mercy Ministry: Serve alongside other churches in the community as we feed, clothe, and share the gospel with those in need.
Teaching: Teachers and assistant teachers are needed for all age groups on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and throughout the week.
Evangelism/Visitation: The evangelism/visitation team goes out the last Wednesday of every month to share the gospel.
Children’s Ministry: Serve our children and their families in the nursery, Sunday school, children’s church, at events and many other ways.
Youth Ministry: Serve our youth through teaching, mentoring, planning events, hosting them in your home, and in many other ways.
Mentor Ministry: Mentor new believers and help them grow in their faith.
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal: Help buy, prepare, serve, and clean up for the Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal.
Transportation Ministry: Drive a van to help get people to church.
Worship Ministry: Help lead worship through singing, playing an instrument, reading a Scripture, running the sound equipment, running the PPT, and much more.
Financial Giving: Give financially to help support the ministry at Main Street Baptist Mission.