To those in the church who are weaker, less honorable, and unpresentable. . . .
To those of you whose name has never been written on a plaque or on the side of a building. . .
To those of you who have never received a gift or compensation for your service at the church. . .
To those of you who have never been called on or recognized during the service. . .
To those of you who have never been publicly acknowledged for what you do. . .
To those of you who wake up early on Sunday mornings to pray for our church. . .
To those of you who stay late to clean up after everyone has gone home. . .
To those of you who take money out of your own pockets to feed those in need. . .
To those of you who keep our church running without saying a word. . .
To those of you who visit the sick in the hospital and nursing home. . .
To those of you who share Christ with your friends and your family. . .
To those of you who help your neighbor in a time of need. . .
To those of you who show God’s love without anyone ever even knowing. . .
To those of you who strive every day to live for Jesus. . .
To those of you who try to be Godly husbands, wives, parents, and children. . .
To those of you who show up to work in a job that isn’t your dream and work as if working for God. . .
To those of you who seek to do good even when no one is looking. . .
To those of you who may feel like no one has noticed. . .
To those of you who wonder if your calling really even matters. . .
To those of you who sometimes wish you were doing something more important for the Kingdom. . .
To those of you who feel your service is weaker, less honorable, or more unpresentable than someone else’s. . .
To those of you who no one ever seems to notice. . .
Paul wrote, “those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modest.”
I for one am so thankful for those in the body who seem to be weaker, less honorable, and unpresentable. I for one am so thankful for those in the Kingdom of God that do the things that no one ever notices. I for one am so thankful for those in the church who have faithfully served for years upon years without ever asking for recognition. Because the truth is, the Kingdom would not exist without people like you. The church would not be able to function without people like you.
So to all of you, I want to offer a small thanks, and I want to let you know that what you do matters just as much as what I do. Your calling is important – even if that calling is simply to pray or to sort the clothes or to just show up. Your calling is just as important as mine and don’t let anyone ever tell you any different. You are just as vital to the Body of Christ. You are just as important to the work of our church. And you are just as imperative to God’s Kingdom!